Monday, December 7, 2009

Hey guys!

The Website is MOVING! Yes, moving from to

please go check it out and leave me some love!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

we are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.

i love art. i love my classes. right now i'm taking two dimensional design and photography, along with history of textiles and political science. even polisci, my least favorite class, is still interesting as all get out. i feel like my return to academia has instigated a drastic shift in my relationship with education. it was always just something i endured, a necessary evil, a much lesser evil than many, but recently i started to think about it in a different light.

i've found myself thinking "thank goodness i took that class..." when trying to think about a new project. when i was in 4th grade i learned about greek mythology in a special class at school. we put on a play. if i recall correctly i was arachne, a boastful weaver who incited athena's wrath by claiming herself to be better than the goddess. while athena's work was a beautiful portrayal of her victory over poseidon, arachne's tapestry featured scenes of the gods' sexual indiscretions. though flawless, the tapestry enraged athena, who broke arachne's loom and wrecked her work. she touched arachne on the forehead and caused her to feel guilty for her actions. it was too much for the young woman, and she hung herself in despair. athena, taking pity, sprinkled her with chemicals which caused her to arise as a spider.

since that class and that play, i've heard snippets of those great myths from time to time, probably in part due to the joseph campbell videos my parents were always playing. when i got to boston university i was lucky enough to take an ancient world class in which we studied homer's the odyssey along with greek philosophers.

sophomore year i took a world religions course and also a sacred journeys class. at the time i knew these were fun classes, it was something i liked to learn about, but i didn't see how it could have any real meaning in my life.

i still don't know what, if anything, i'll do that incorporates this particular interest of mine in the long run. in the present, however, i've decided to explore mythology in my current photography project. i don't want to spill the beans just yet, but once i get some photos developed i promise i'll scan them in and add them to the site.

sorry for being so mia recently, but i've found i have very little free time these days.

Monday, July 13, 2009

alright, back on the horse.

so, i feel i've been letting my art slide a bit of late. i can't really blame myself, as i've been working fulltime and during my time off i've been really working on enriching my social life. it's great, but it's time to get back to work now. i've gotten some art supplies, made some paintings, took some photos... in fact i've also been working on t-shirts for my roommate's new blog,

(my roommate, sarah, is freaking awesome by the way. you really should check out her blog. actually, i wrote a little guest blog on there, too)

...annnnd it's been pretty slow going. i made a series of t-shirts in a flurry of artistic activity in the spring of last year. since that time, i haven't touched my screenprinting supplies, but i figured it wouldn't be too hard to start up again. well, that wasn't exactly how it panned out. i tried to use my old screen, but it had been too long and i couldn't wash out the emulsion no matter how hard i tried. so, i chalked it up to a loss and sarah brought home a new screen. this time i did everything as i remembered doing it before, and after the hours of prep time i ended up with.... nothing! i ran a print, and it was a solid square of ink, no pattern whatsoever.

ugh! so, i tried to wash out the design and reclaim the screen, determined to make it work. unfortunately, it didn't wash out. so i thought, hey! i'll just buy a new screen and save myself the frustration of attempting again and again to get it clear. thankfully, this screen worked. i read (and reread) extensive tutorials online before attempting to apply the emulsion, burn the image, wash out the emulsion and then print. this time, it worked.

sort of.

unfortunately, the image is still really blurry and not as professional as sarah would like (me too, for that matter) and so begins the meticulous process anew. i'm not sure why i'm having such a hard time this time around. maybe i'm rusty, or maybe it's just because the pressure of making a product for someone else makes me nervous. at any rate, i feel i'm nearing an acceptable level of craftsmanship with these shirts, and i'll upload photos as soon as i'm done.

as for me, i'm currently on vacation at my dad's house in pensacola, florida. i drove down on sunday, and i'm going to drive back on thursday morning in time for work thursday night. i tried to take pictures at the beach this morning, but by the time i got there i realized that i had not charged my camera.

lame, right?

so, tomorrow morning i'll get up and head out again, only this time i'll be all by my lonesome. i'll wander, click, shoot, pause, ponder, think about life and existence, then be back at the house by the time it gets to be super hot outside.

i've got some interesting thoughts on consciousness and existence that have been rattling around inside my skull for a while. i'll divulge the details of those thought processes some other time.

right now it's time for a long, hot shower.

Friday, April 10, 2009

well isn't that just friggen lovely

someone stole my bike. my crappy, old, beat up bike. what a jerk.

now i have no way of getting to and from work. other than walking, that is.



Friday, April 3, 2009

it's been a little while

since my last post. i've moved into my apartment with my friend sarah and i have resumed daily life to some extent. working a lot, trying to move my stuff and still squeeze in time for schoolwork. things like eating have kind of fallen by the wayside because i have such an unpredictable schedule, so i've not been feeling so hot. but, on the bright side, this week is over now and it's time for the weekend (thank goodness). anyhow, i had a crazy dream just before i woke up this morning.

i was somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. i was in a gas station and this guy came in to rob the place. i was on the drink aisle at the back of the store so i crouched down and hid. unfortunately, the guy stuck his head over the aisle. he had a gun, so i tried to avoid him by scooting around to the other side, but he saw me. i was wearing a little summer dress and flip flops, so i'm guessing it was summer. anyhow, it was night time. the guy had already shot and killed the clerk and someone else in the store so i knew he was probably going to hurt me, too. he came around and was joking with me, he was unattractive and a little overweight. he thought i would be afraid of him so he let down his guard just enough to brag to me about the terrible things he had done and to show me his big, scary gun. basically, he was trying to freak me out before he either shot me or took me with him. i stood up, and i guess he wasn't expecting it because he didn't put up much of a fight when i grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head and started pounding his forehead into the floor. at this point someone who knew me, a friend i guess, came around the corner and saw what i was doing. i didn't know if i killed him or just really injured him, but there was blood on the floor and he wasn't moving by the time i stopped. i was really calm about all of it, and my friend and i left. i told her "i have to go now, i guess" and i went to wherever i'd been staying, packed a suitcase with my clothes and stuffed animals, got in my car and left. i drove west and took a different name and figured that i did what i had to do. during the entire episode i was pretty emotionless and reasonable, i really hated that i had to do that, but i felt it was necessary.

then i woke up.

man, crazy dream right? i guess the moral of the story is... if you're robbing a convenience store and you see me there, just leave me alone or it won't end too well for you.

so, now i'm up and at 'em, sorta, because i have to arrange rides and transportation of stuff which always takes a while.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

i seem to be nearing

the end of my troubles. hopefully. this morning i signed the lease for my new apartment. my lovely friend sarah and i are going to make it adorable. i can't believe it's actually mine!

anyhow, it has really seemed as though this has been a period of absolute change for me, so i figure why not throw in some good-for-me changes with them.

number 1. no cable (or at least, not in the living room). not even a tv in my room. because i'm addicted, pure and simple. if it's in the room, i'll watch it, and i have wasted enough of my life with it already. i'm only going to watch movies and only sparingly. i can spend my time with other things which tend to be far more fulfilling.

number 2. i need some more routine in my life. as things are now i go to bed around 3 am usually and wake up anywhere from 8-12. i don't usually eat breakfast, i have to give myself extra time to get everywhere because i don't have a car, and things like laundry get pushed to the last minute. i'm amazed the plants that i have are still alive, honestly, and i'm looking forward to getting plants for our new apartment. i feel like i need some green around me, some life. for that, i'll need to water them regularly and make sure they're not sick. it's especially important for me to care for my recently acquired orchid. ideally i'd like to have aloe in the bathroom, a fern in the living room, the orchid and my other plant in my bedroom and herbs in a flower box on the porch.

so many plants will require that i develop routines. i think perhaps it will help me take a little better care of me if i'm caring for all these plants.

number 3. i want to be peaceful more. i'd like to spend more time being quiet and alone with a good book or music. my art definitely has suffered from the lack of attention... i feel like all i've been doing recently is getting by. i'm eating junk, watching junk, weighed down by my (soon to be less) impressive amount of junk.

these are things i'd like. i want to be able to cook and do so regularly. i want to eat good, solid meals when i am supposed to. i want to ride my bike around. i want to make things. i want to take my vitamins. i want to wake up to sunlight.

here's hoping that i can bring some of those things to life.

Friday, March 20, 2009

just another friday night

worked tonight at pozole. those are some cool people who work there, i gotta tell ya.

so, tomorrow i'm seeing sascha, maybe going to get a haircut. got my shift covered at work so that i can take my evening slow and hopefully feel a little better. i need to start working on my next drawing project. also need to clean. yeah.

oh, and i went to see the doctor today. she was really nice, and even though i had to drive out to tucker for the appointment, it was nice to find out it's just an upper respiratory/sinus infection. thank goodness it's not something more serious. she basically told me to take advil and get some rest... i'm pretty sure i can manage such a feat :)

so i'm laying in bed now and i'm tired. ate some chocolate, thought about the summer ahead, thought about the past, remembered living in boston, felt kinda old...

anyhow, regardless of any other b.s. at least i can say that i'm feeling pretty confident. i'm excited about writing for young blood's blog, too. they asked me to blog about things i like in the store, so i'm going to write about the things i've bought there recently.

so anyways, no pictures or links tonight, just a rambling tmi public internet stream of consciousness. oh well!

gnight world